The Life changeling
For long I was simply avoiding thoughts about parenting.
Always considered myself as an excluding individualist, being self sufficient and satisfied being alone and with my thoughts only.
But also wanted to "complete and outgrow" myself, to be and do more. To give meaning to a meaningless life, seek of small pleasures and avoidance of pain, until death picks me up (or down).
Recently, I became father of a gorgeous little being. And something within me changed.
Since my life no longer belongs to me, but to this small cute creature, and having to cope with his mother temporary disability to give full herself, I did not have a single moment of peace, to which I was so used. And which I need so much. To think about the CHANGE.
There are two of me, one is still holding to my previous self, negating the big change even happened.
And the new me, adapting to the idea that nothing will ever be like before, giving myself to the uncertainty and at the end, to the life itself.
We shall see, whether these new circumstances I shall use to grow as a person and to strive for bigger goals then simply existing on this planet.
To end for today with, as mr. Alexandre Dumas père once nicely ended, let's use the last human wisdom word: "perhaps".
Written by Raido Simson / Earth, summer 2021
Raido Simson worked in a multinational corporation and private companies for many years before starting Simple.Minimal.Stoic Blog, a personal health & wealth website. He received a B.A. in Economics, currently actively simplifying his personal and business life.
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