When reality strikes through

Once upon a time, in a far, far galaxy, there was a story tale of an ideal partnership.
Mutual comprehension, respect and will to help were virtues highly appreciated and cherished.
When exactly and where the reality struck, nobody knows. From the ideal, after reality hit, only a fairy tale remained intact. A hope. And nothing and nobody else.

Whoever has designed and programmed our subconscious Matrix "modus operandi", did a good job. 
To know the best for us and to do what is best for us, between these two is our Matrix: subconscious program written to follow rules, obey, copy-paste others, to simply blend with all others. 
Not to be "deviant, contrarian, defiant" :)

On the other side, difficulties have the power to change and mold us, if we are unable to do it by ourselves. 
To work again or not to work? To work for someone else or to insist of working for myself, therefore upgrade myself?
To live a life according to the society dictate or to brake through, in spite of anything?

We shall see in the next episode :)


Written by Raido Simson, Earth, Autumn 2022


Raido Simson worked in a multinational corporation and private companies for many years before starting Simple.Minimal.Stoic Blog, a personal health & wealth website. He received a B.A. in Economics, currently actively simplifying his personal and business life.


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