
When reality strikes through

Once upon a time, in a far, far galaxy, there was a story tale of an ideal partnership. Mutual comprehension, respect and will to help were virtues highly appreciated and cherished. When exactly and where the reality struck, nobody knows. From the ideal, after reality hit, only a fairy tale remained intact. A hope. And nothing and nobody else. Whoever has designed and programmed our subconscious Matrix "modus operandi", did a good job.  To know the best for us and to do what is best for us, between these two is our Matrix: subconscious program written to follow rules, obey, copy-paste others, to simply blend with all others.  Not to be "deviant, contrarian, defiant" :) On the other side, difficulties have the power to change and mold us, if we are unable to do it by ourselves.  To work again or not to work? To work for someone else or to insist of working for myself, therefore upgrade myself? To live a life according to the society dictate or to brake through, in sp...

The Life changeling

 For long I was simply avoiding thoughts about parenting. Always considered myself as an excluding individualist, being self sufficient and satisfied being alone and with my thoughts only. But also wanted to "complete and outgrow" myself, to be and do more. To give meaning to a meaningless life, seek of small pleasures and avoidance of pain, until death picks me up (or down). Recently, I became father of a gorgeous little being. And something within me changed. Since my life no longer belongs to me, but to this small cute creature, and having to cope with his mother temporary disability to give full herself, I did not have a single moment of peace, to which I was so used. And which I need so much. To think about the CHANGE. There are two of me, one is still holding to my previous self, negating the big change even happened. And the new me, adapting to the idea that nothing will ever be like before, giving myself to the uncertainty and at the end, to the life itself. We shall ...

The Battle within

 Procrastination. Constantly lying to myself, avoiding obstacles, going along the line of lesser resistance. Picking up easy doing tasks, a lot of them, finding pleasure in executing them and checking after. But, real productivity lies in constantly doing task(s) which matter the most. Those which are simply - important ones. And those are not many during the day. And being focused on progress, because, at the end only my progress motivates on a long term. Written by Raido Simson / Earth, spring 2021 -------------------------  Raido Simson  worked in a multinational corporation and private companies for many years before starting  Simple.Minimal.Stoic Blog , a personal health & wealth website. He received a B.A. in Economics, currently actively simplifying his personal and business life.

How to simplify my life in all aspects?

 Life itself brings joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain. We are trying to be more in the first word, rather then in the second one. One of those big personal discoveries I made in our 40ties (some sooner, some later), finding out that I  desire less in order to have and be more . It might sound cryptic and like the Chinese ancient Tao sayings, but it is "my" truth, concentrated in one bold sentence. By minimalizing our needs and wants, we discover a whole new, yet deep down well known existence in a life simplified and enjoyable to the utmost levels. If we think backward, trying to recall happiest moments of our lives, probably, among inevitable downsides of growing, our cherishes memories where when we felt free and without worries, in our childhood. There are two reasons (well, three - we were young too:)) for this state of blissfulness: our lives (needs) were simple as well as our thoughts. Then, let us make a thesis - if above stated has worked for us, how we can - with few...

Early retirement - heaven, hell or both

Some people tend to have different views on the so called F.I.R.E. population (Financially Independent Retired Earlier). Like they are spoiled, lazy, their parents helped them or  they certainly won the lottery. But none of these things apply to me. I grew up in a low-income household. I worked hard to earn good grades. I was the first one in the office and the last to leave. Sure, I got lucky once in a lifetime by landing a high-paying high-management job and in some of my investments, but I have also lived a frugal life and have always been diligent about staying on top of my finances. People told me I was crazy to leave a high-paying job at such a young age, but I was absolutely burned out and felt disillusioned by my industry of work. Early retirement isn’t for everyone. But from my experience, the pros outweigh the cons. I get to wake up whenever I want. I no longer have to endure unproductive meetings or put up with nefarious colleagues. I’ve traveled to more than 1...

My initial set ups

The journey started. An obscure rainy sky, all over only negative media news about politics, Covid-19 etc. Perfect for brewing a nice cup of tea and jointing down some ideas about: * better living * self organization * investments * personal hygiene  By writing down ideas, we shall contemporary work on ourselves and organize our life's by these fields: * workouts * food * finance (investments) * travel * travel and life gear and equipment * minimalism equals essentialism What do you wish to have and to be ? Written by Raido Simson / Earth, winter 2021 -------------------------  Raido Simson  worked in a multinational corporation and private companies for many years before starting  Simple.Minimal.Stoic Blog , a personal health & wealth website. He received a B.A. in Economics, currently actively simplifying his personal and business life.

The beginning

 Please to meet your Mind, Reader. We shall start slowly, building up our mutual acquaintance by firstly  satisfying our wishes=interests, thereafter, perhaps, get to trust each other. I am here forging my own re-creation, on several life fields.  1. Practical living      2. Body and Mind workouts           3. Financial pillars                So lets first draw some basic points. Instead of just writing down goals, then actions, and how to reassess them, let's try another way around. Why? Because someone wise once said, life is a journey, not the end goal. The end goal is death. So why rush in the first place:) There will be no joy by accomplishing death as a goal. But the joy should be along the way toward our final life station. The aim toward "perfection and joy" is a voyage, not the final destination. Said that, lets get to work:) For a long time, I thought that my job, my physic...